Welcome to the Question2Answer Q&A. There's also a demo if you just want to try it out.
+37 votes
in Themes by
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Version 1.19 (22 Aug 2023) Jump to section
Live demo: Legacy live
Purchase: Get Legacy theme 


Demo user: test
Password: 12345678

Live demo website might not always work, due to high traffic hours on a free shared server. So here's a few screenshots as well.


Live demo: Legacy live
Purchase: Get Legacy theme 

Original Post: Converted into Answer 

Yes, it does support RTL sites
@fahimalfarhan Yeah all demo servers were down for a couple of days. They're back to working now.
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Hi @Gold-Developer...

I have already purchased Legacy Theme, But now I want to change Legacy Theme to Polaris. Can I get some discount on Polaris theme.

Hey there @AlokKumar I've replied to your message.

11 Answers

0 votes
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Best answer

Version 1.19

  • Compatibility with PHP 8.2
  • Question list redesign
  • Fixes and improvements

Introducing the improved Status Bar

The Question status bar now provides a more enhanced user experience, providing feedback on how the question is doing.

  • When the question gets an answer, the status bar fills up a bit indicating there's progress.
  • When the question gets 2 answers, the status bar fills up half way, suggesting there's a 50/50 % chance one of those answers provides you with a solution.
  • When the question gets 3-5 answers, the status bar keeps incrementing gradually until 100%, suggesting there's a higher chance of a solution.
  • When an answer gets accepted, the status bar fills up all the way and turns green.

If you have purchased Legacy theme before, check your email and spam boxes.
If you want to purchase this theme, you can purchase it here:

Buy Legacy theme
Live demo

edited by
Hi @gold-developer ,
  How could I get update the new version of Legacy theme . I'm using the version 1.18. I haven't got the email about update version yet.
  Please help.

Many thanks,
+3 votes
The Legacy theme does look okay, but it's unfortunate that you'll be taking muffin off the market, because I think it is one of the best q2a themes out there. Maybe you could keep selling it, but add a disclaimer that there will be no future updates?
Yeah, that's a possibility to consider too.
0 votes
Please Please make this theme lightweight for mobile version.Remove unnecessary design and script for mobile version.

LCP and CLS score is very important for seo. Muffin theme is giving bad LCP and CLS score with Google adsense ad.

 I'm looking for a theme for good speed but can't find it
It is currently very difficult to find a theme that meets the requirements, it is easier to develop a theme than to buy a theme and still have problems with LCP and CLS
Of course Page Speeds are always a top priority when it comes to developing my themes. Although I can't promise 100% values nor control other variables that may contribute in bringing those numbers down. Such as a slow web server, which plays a big part on defining those values. <head> libraries that could be swapped to CDN links like Google's, for faster speeds, etc.
Currently doing some improvement testing. https://i.imgur.com/3zimsbk.jpg
If I see it's stable, I'll implement it to the rest of the themes. Might take a while updating them all though.
it's no use the site is 100% on Google's pagespeed and CLS and LCP are negative!
I have 100% website but CLS is still bad
+1 vote
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Development has hit a slight curve and it's taking longer than I anticipated.

Currently working on a bunch of stuff, and am all over the place developing, puzzling, and figuring out what's best practices to implement stuff between theme/plugin and core implementation, considering some things might work best as core implementation, and others as a theme.

Currently doing some work on theme performance scores and running some tests, making sure it's stable. If I see it's solid, the rest of my themes will also be patched with this in the future.

ETA: Undetermined

 Original Question Post 

Still in Development

The theme is about 70% finished and there's still lots of things to do and decide. There's also few features and updates I've made to the Q2A core, like the little red dot alert you can see next to the Admin/Dashboard text in the screenshots.

This will serve as a notification for Admins and Moderators that there's new content in the moderation queues that needs to be reviewed. 

So I'll have to go back and break these down into sections to make Scott's life easier reviewing them. laugh

Estimated Time of Arrival

So ETA for the theme release should be around the end of this week, most likely the weekend. But this could be extended as I work my way into organizing and developing all these things.


Muffin theme Off-Market

With this new theme coming, Muffin theme will be expired and taken off the market in the next couple of weeks. I've done some thinking and decided it's best to focus only in a few themes. That way I won't lose interest in updating themes in a long term when necessary. 

So Legacy it's an all things solution, and will be the main focused theme, and possibly my last one created.

Thank you everybody who have purchased Muffin theme. And everybody who've purchased all the other themes really. You guys are the best! 

It's been a long ride. 4 years that Muffin's been up!

Thank you

 End of Original Question Post 
0 votes

Hi, Gold Developer...
This theme is really amazing. but, I want some requirement in theme, then I purchase.

  1. Please Make an Question Asking Button on Main Page, Like Brainly. Because, For Asking Question, Users Have to Click Many Times on Menu Icon in Mobile
  2. Answer Button Should Be Below of The More Information of the Question, Like Donut Theme.
  3. I Want to Change Logo Text Font & Body Font Different. So, Please Make It Changeable
  4. Best Answer Icon Should Be Improved, Like Donut Theme.
  5. Icon in Mobile Sidebar is Very Small, It Should Be Medium.
  6. Question Title Font Should Be More Bold or Medium in Size.
  7. Please Give Social Icon in Center of the Footer Section.
Thank you for all your suggestions @AlokKumar . They'll be taken into consideration
0 votes
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Legacy theme is now out!

There's still probably a few things that need to be sanded, but can be done after official release. So you won't have to wait any longer to enjoy your new theme :)

If you pre-purchased this theme, please check your inboxes and spam boxes.
A copy of Legacy theme has been sent to you.

See Demo: Live Demo 
Purchase: Legacy Theme


Can we remove created by chun and powered by q2a
@Bharat Sure!
is there any discount for this theme? i'm about to purchase this theme. tks
+1 vote
Very nice theme as usual :) Really liked the social share option and the lightweight theme.

Had no issue changing from Muffin except the voting buttons and Answer select button. Could you please help?

Oh crap! I've made these changes to the core thinking about pushing a new Core update, and forgot to add a fallback to the theme until I complete the pull request.
I'll patch it up probably later today and send it back to you again.
Thanks bro :)
Thank you  I'll wait
Thank you for the fixes :) I think this function needs override or else votes are displayed 2 times.


Also  the nav bar display is broken with the new version
Also, is it possible to have sidebar contents in mobile view? May be at bottom of page?
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Yes, you can reshow the sidebar on mobile devices by adding the following bit of code to your custom-styles.css file:

@media (max-width: 900px) {
    .qa-sidepanel {
        display: initial;

I've noticed the "Network Sites" widget is also showing weirdly on the sidebar, so I've added a fix for this, the sidebar, and a couple of other fixes for your widgets on the link below.
All you have to do is copy and paste it, to the custom-styles.css

If you don't see the changes after saving, go to the top of qa-theme.php and up the Theme's patch number.
Also, is that Network Sites plugin available on the Q2A Addons list?
If so I might add that patch to the actual theme later.

I also didn't see the duplicate votes you mentioned on the previous comment.
Thank you Chun :) Thats fantastic help from you.

Yes, network sites plugin is on the Q2A Addons list.
Just one more problem :(

The "edited by" link (From Edit History plugin) is no longer a hyperlink in Legacy theme and so edit history is not visible.

This is the plugin which works on almost all the Q2A themes including Muffin but not with Legacy theme -- just the post meta part is not working where the hyperlink under "$post['when_2']['data']" is not working in the html view.

I managed to solve this problem in the plugin code.
+1 vote

Legacy version 1.18

Released - 15/02/2022

Small fixes and arrangements.

Check your Email and Spam boxes for your copy of Legacy theme.

Legacy version 1.15

Small fixes and arrangements.
Most focused plugins: Blog Plugin, Question List Number and Pupi Reactions' plugin .

Please check your Email and Spam boxes for your updated version of the theme!

Hello, I did not receive the update, I have send you an email can you check please ?
Give it a couple of minutes and check again. I've also replied to your email, and your questions. Cheers!
hi Chun,

I'm using Legacy 1.17. I don't find these updates.
Hey @longvic ! You were using the latest version at the time. That's why you didn't receive any updates. Check your email and spam box for version 1.18
Thank you, I've got your email with latest version: 1.18 downloadable.
0 votes

I have a problem with "mainEntity" in this question


  I tried to email you but got no response

I use your theme

asked Jan 16, 2022 in Themes by mainEntity field is missing
Hey Jawaby. I've replied to your Email and also your question here:
+1 vote
Great theme! looks like a more recent version built on muffin? if so, may I ask why did you drop the "dark mode" option. It was a great feature in muffin. A lot of users prefer dark modes nowadays.
edited by
It is a visually similar theme, but a completely different build.

I've thought about adding a "dark mode" option to the Legacy theme before. But that takes quite some work, and there's other things in the pipeline right now.

For now there's Polaris theme, which has a "dark mode" option, and is basically a better and more powerful version of Legacy theme.
–1 vote

Hello, can you tell me how to expand the space between the questions so  that they are not crowded

Please do not post a question as an answer to another question (even if your question may be related to that other question).
Open file (custom-styles.css) file located on the CSS folder, and add the following CSS code:

    .qa-q-list-item {
        padding: 1rem 0 1rem 1rem;

Increase the **first** and **third** values to get a bigger vertical space. For example:

    padding: 2rem 0 2rem 1rem;

Or use pixels instead of `rem` as a measurement unit if you prefer - 16px
After making the changes, increase the patch number from '?v=281' to '?v=282'
Line 5 on qa-theme.php file