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I need a plugin to allow the users get donations from their answers

Examples :



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I will discus the details later
Regarding your second link. How is it different from allowing the user to input the donation URL? For example, in this site we have the "Personal site" which is turned into a URL when displayed in the profile.

The only difference I spot is just that instead of just using a piece of text, an image is used.

If you want to use an image in the profile to add a URL then you can use this plugin: http://www.question2answer.org/qa/36952 But, again, it is just a link with an image. I think it doesn't worth the price just for that

BTW, you can get in touch with service providers here: http://docs.question2answer.org/services
Thank you I will contact them

1 Answer

0 votes
Idea is nice. but this may expose email id of users, not sure if there is anyway to get around that.

This kind of plugins are successful and it will drive more users and traffic. I know there is similar adsense plugin for vBulletin forum where users can add their adsense account id and their ads are run on questions they answered. That way users can earn money and also will get encouraged for adding more content to site.