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+6 votes
in Q2A Core by
What are your requirements in question2answer and what are the things you wish q2a should have ?

Any suggestions / ideas for developers ?
I am asking this so that the developers can come up for the same.

12 Answers

0 votes
amp pages can be added
Actually, AMP needs to die yesterday. Google doesn't need any more control over the web than they already have.
+1 vote

I think you should add this two options : 

  • mainEntity:  Now question description is used as mainEntity. But mainEntity help google to use Q&A Schema. So you should add this.  If question description box is empty then question title will be used as mainEntity. 
  • add a feature to see post revisions. 
Your second feature request is already covered by the edit-history plugin.
+3 votes
Ability to approve edits and thus let anyone submit an edit.
Cool. I'll take a look sometime this week.
When I tested the plugin on my dev host, database initialization did not complete after enabling the plugin (I ended up with a blank page) and the homepage was broken afterwards. Didn't do any debugging so far.
Yes it has issues unfortunately.
+1 vote
There may be a transfer of bonus points from one user to another.
This may lead to spamming .. cheating
+4 votes

Here's mine:

+3 votes
  • Give users more options and permission to control on tags( like permissin2category plugin does)
  • There is viewing problem.Who can view questions ,answers,comments.There is only option for question but every one can view comments and answers
  • We must give title in special.For example I want give a special title to a person but I cant do it.
  • Points system is useless.There is no aim to make points so that means there must be encouragement for making points. (After getting points , what can they do with these points? )
  • There must be monetizing option too.We want to give money to people if they ask more questions, answers , comments ,if they write long content etc.So it could be a plugins job maybe.
  • We cant rewrite an url if we did then first is gone.So there must be option to edit url but also redirect first url to new one like wordpress does.
  • There is uploading images plugin but q2a must do it in core like wordpress.
  • Also I never like administrations / plugins page on q2a.You cant remove a plugins from that page directly and also page style is not good.It is long page and all time  we have to go down save and go up again again.We must see all  plugins at one view customizable.
  • Also you can get ideas from  jackSiroke , Pupi1985 , esqeudero plugins
Hi. Idea for using points...award members with top points prizes like Amazon gift cards or cash prizes via PayPal, etc. Just an idea for you.
+1 vote
In admin settings, a custom CSS input area (similar to WordPress theme options) where admin can enter custom CSS that will over-ride the active theme's CSS. These are saved into database so that when admin updates to new version of Q2A, the CSS mods will remain intact.
It is already there as Custom Head section
Yes, @GATE Overflow is right. He’s referring to the `Custom HTML in <head> section of every page:` option under `Admin` → `Layout` (https://i.imgur.com/YccQbuA.gif). Here's a couple of questions on how to use it:

(1) https://www.question2answer.org/qa/85135/can-i-add-extra-css-code-in-head-section-of-snowflat-theme-how?show=85638#a85638

(2) https://www.question2answer.org/qa/80634/help-custom-html-code-top-every-page-via-the-widgets-section?show=80640#a80640
+1 vote
Ability for admin to hide tags from displaying on questions lists. Tag cloud widget in page or on side bar is all users need for navigating/browsing via tags. Tags showing below the questions in the questions list is not really needed for many users and makes the site look too busy.
Hide .qa-q-item-tags in your theme.
+1 vote
An option for a very simple display of answers with only a vote button next to the answer, with nothing else showing like "answered by...", or user meta info. Basically a simple list display of answers that users can add to or vote up. (for a ranker.com type of functionality)
Hide .qa-a-item-avatar-meta in your theme.
–1 vote
Admin setting to allow non-registered users to vote up/down questions or answers.
That is a terrible idea, which not just breaks the "one user, one vote" paradigm, but completely destroys it (b/c it's so easily abused).
+2 votes
Paypal integration for premium user subscription
+3 votes
1.language can change by user ip, not fixed by admin

2.donate for question answers

3.admin can set only show question not show answers for guest viewers