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+2 votes
in Q2A Core by

I think this should be core - as we also have a best answer selected class (.qa-a-count-selected) for answers:

// override function q_item_title in advanced theme to mark closed question
function q_item_title($q_item)
    // check for closed question, ignore closed news of eetv
    $closed = @$q_item['raw']['closedbyid'] !== null;
    // add CSS qa-q-item-closed to question title
        '<DIV CLASS="qa-q-item-title'.($closed ? ' qa-q-item-closed"' : '"').'>',
        '<A HREF="'.$q_item['url'].'">'.$q_item['title'].'</A>',


Then you can use css to target the question with .qa-q-item-closed a to assign another color.

Thanks @Scott btw.

1 Answer

+1 vote

There will be something similar - a qa-q-closed class you can use, on both question lists and the question view page.
