If you want to mark questions that are closed as duplicates in your questions list, you can use the advanced theme like that:
// override function to mark duplicate question
function q_item_title($q_item)
// init string
$showDup = '';
// check for closed question
$closed = (@$q_item['raw']['closedbyid'] !== null);
if($closed) {
// check if duplicate
$closedByQu = qa_db_read_one_value( qa_db_query_sub('SELECT postid FROM `^posts`
WHERE `postid` = #
AND `type` = "Q"
;', $q_item['raw']['closedbyid']), true );
if(isset($closedByQu)) {
$showDup = '<span class="qa-q-duplicate">Duplicate will be deleted</span>';
// output in question list
'<DIV CLASS="qa-q-item-title">',
'<A HREF="'.$q_item['url'].'">'.$q_item['title'].'</A>',
It will add "Duplicate will be deleted" below the question title. I am using this to tidy up a bit =)
Hope that helps,