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in Q2A Core by

I installed the 1.4 beta2 on my site.

Can you please tell me the best way to insert Google+1 and  FB-Like on the each question?

I know how to get the all buttons but I don't know where I put those codes. I just want to let you know that I don't want to use the sharing tool, Add this

Why don't you want to use AddThis? It's great for exactly this situation, it will keep the code updated, and you can track shares and clicks.
I think Addthis is a good option for social sharing buttons but it has one problem, when we share it shows via @AddThis

I don't want to show this in my sharing, Please suggest some solution.
how about replacing the comment system with facebook comments?
@Neha, you can remove or change that quite easily by using this as the HTML for the button:
<a class="addthis_button_tweet" tw:via="youraccount"></a>

Where "youraccount" is your own twitter account. You may be able to leave it blank to remove it entirely, I'm not sure.

1 Answer

+1 vote
I added a widget now to the sharing plugin... you can modify the plugin as you like.