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+13 votes
in Plugins by

This plugin adds 2 widgets- for monthly toppers and weekly toppers respectively. Also adds a page for monthly toppers listing.

  • Uses MYSQL event scheduler - this needs to be enabled. Hence no cronjob required.
  • Migrates userscores from Best-Users-per-Month free plugin which has a performance bug.
  • Weekly Scores are counted from the start of installation of plugin
  • If scoring rates are changed at anytime. the plugin data becomes invalid.
  • Based on feedback, a new version shall be made with more features.


Q2A version: 1.8
Thanks. @Ada What's the issue - any error in log? Widgets are working?
Thanks for create this wonderful plugin, can it works with external user?
You are welcome. Ideally it should as the table being used is userpoints one. But I have not checked it, do let me know if any issue comes.
Do we calculate the old points we added later?

9 Answers

+1 vote
I guess many people were waiting for this plugin, cool plugin!

if any of you are using this plugin then please review, it will help other.

+1 vote
Nice plugin.

Does it support other calendars? Like jalali's calendar?
Sorry. As of now only the default English calendar is added.
But as you said "Based on feedback, a new version shall be made with more features." So maybe you could consider this feature! :)
I could. But calendar stuff is not something I'm aware of :O
reshown by
You could use this package http://jdf.scr.ir/download/
I'm too weak in languages :O
0 votes

ERROR tupmevent

                insert into  qa_userscores (userid, points, date) select userid, points, CURDATE() as date from qa_userpoints order by userid asc;
            insert into qa_monthlytoppers (date, userid, points) select CURDATE() - interval 1 month as date, a.userid, a.points - COALESCE(b.points,0) AS mpoints from qa_userscores a, qa_userscores b where a.userid = b.userid and a.date = CURDATE() and b.date between (a.date - interval 35 day) and (a.date - interval 25 day)  group by a.userid,a.points,b.points  having mpoints>0;

403 error.. If it is an image please upload here.
+1 vote
edited by
Hey, Weekly scoring not working correctly.
After my week changed from 17-23.10 to 24-30.10 I see bad data in weekly scoring. It shows users ranking by all points from all time , not only one week, so I see bad ranking and I can't use Your plugin correct.

It's a bug AFTER one week. It works correctly for one week from installation, but after this, it shows completely bad data.

You can look how it's working on www.fandoms.pl on the right side in blocks area.
Any help , please? :)


--UPDATE: Now it's OK. You need to turn on event_scheduler, if anyone will have same problem in future ;)
yes turning on event scheduler is mentioned on github page and is important.
And I suppose you tried the plugin code from before. Please do "git pull" as the final version updated the event to run at 00:00 on every week beginning.
done, thanks :)
You are welcome :)
+1 vote

How to show points from LAST week on site?

Is it some fast option to show this?
I don't need it as feature on my site, I need only to copy & paste to excel ranking my users from last week.

Can You help me, please? :)
You may run this query and get them
select * from qa_weeklytoppers  where date like ''2016-11-14" order by points desc limit 20;
hah, true :D I wasn't thought about it ;) thanks !:)
edited by
deleted this message - all it's working ok :)
+1 vote
@arjunsuresh - Are You interested to work on something custom, of couse paid job ? I need some custom plugin for rankings, points etc. Let me know !

@Piotr Baranowski, please share your ideas for rankings, points system. We can suggest Scott to implement that plugin.

We need badges kind of plugin for q2a, may be below plugin can be improved or rewrite new one.
Hello :)
My site is specific, working like buzzfeed/playbuzz, not standard q&a .
Points system is like heart of my project .
My users collecting points for fanclubs, which they are represent . They need to choose one and all points collected in month is a part of all points for fanclub X .

For example:
User X choose fanclub A and collect 80 points
User Y choose fanclub A and collect 50 points
User X choose fanclub b and collect 90 points

So: Fanclub A collect 130 points and Fanclub B - 90 points. In this case in ranking Fanclub A has 1st place and fanclub B - 2nd .

This is what we did - some fanclub battles .

What is needed to do is:
- fanclub choose plugin, to offer users ability to choose to which fanclub they want to collect points
- fanclub ranking plugin, to show users standings and "charts" (like music) , which fanclub is the best and which places they took.

I think it's something custom and now I hired jatin.soni from q2amarket to develope this plugin for me, for cash of course . But if You want to do this and offer in standard of Q2A 1.8 we can discuss it of course :)
@Piotr Baranowski, thanks for sharing your views. Please post details here or PM me. If those are general requirement then I will compose detail specs for implementation. I do have some ideas for this.
Hi Piotr, Thank you. But unfortunately I'm busy with my regular work and cannot do PHP work for few months.
0 votes
Why is top-users-month not showing any users initially?
Same here...........
Monthly score calculation starts at next month/week beginning only. But this should be changed in next update.
0 votes
Hello, is there a place where I can contact you?
Hi, if regarding this plugin it will be updated soon for a better way to calculate monthly scores as supported by q2a 1.8
i want to make another request. how can I contact you?
You can pm me here.
Hello, GATE Overflow , this great plugin does not work for latest versions . Will you fix it ?
+1 vote
This plugin does not work anymore in latest versions of Q2A , please fix it.