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+1 vote
in Plugins by

I have update my Q2A site some day ago and start to this month i run cornjob but its didn't work (nothing happening after run cornjob)


thats why i take a test and down grade my site to 1.6.1 by uploading 1.6.1 version and run again cornjob and i see its working

my best user link



I would recommend to check this issue to developer

Q2A version: 1.6.3
Hi answersbd, you can get the PRO version that does not require a cronjob anymore. Please see here: http://www.question2answer.org/qa/33953/new-premium-plugin-best-users-pro-by-q2apro-com

1 Answer

0 votes
"updated my Q2A site" → Have you changed the folder structure? Check the correct references in the cronjob path.

You can also run the file manually: yourdomain.com/qa-plugin/best-users/cronjob/cronjob.php (remove the .htaccess beforehand).

I have tested the plugin on 1.5.x and 1.6.x, it works on all systems.