Let me introduce you new look to the old "Most Popular Tags" page of Question2Answer. I was looking for something like this for a quite long time. Then, I finally decided to implement it by myself. This is the new solution to tags page. Amazing Tags plugin lets you to create a new Tags page which is far better than old one.
Features of Amazing Tags plugin:
- New beatiful design;
- Fully responsive;
- smooth CSS hint;
- lets you change tag images easily;
- Shows how many tags user follows;
- Standart pagination;
- Different look for favorited tags;

CSS hint

Favorited tag looks like this.

At the top of the page the plugin shows number of tags user have favorited. If it's less than 15 the text will appear. If number of user's favorited tags are greater than 15 the text will disappear.
Price: $5
Buy now in Fiverr