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Request for Assistance with Website Security and 404 Errors

My website was hacked, and I have deleted suspicious files, changed the password, and removed fake users. However, I am still unsure if the threat is completely gone. Additionally, the number of 404 errors has increased to over 5350 pages.

I need your assistance with:

1. Ensuring the complete security of the website.
2. Handling the large number of 404 errors.
3. Improving the site's re-indexing and performance in search engines.

I appreciate your guidance and advice on these matters.

Thank you for your help.

Q2A version: 1.8.8
Any insight on how you think the site was hacked? Where were the suspicious files? Do you feel this was a server issue, or Q2A code issue?

This information will help the community.
"I think it is due to third-party plugins and themes because I recently experimented with some free templates."
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