Snow 1.4-beta is ready to roll. Soctt will make it available soon.
I want to say thanks for all helps and supports provided during the development to below people
Since I have start to work on Snow Theme 1.4 and all development updates you can find on
To know the next update keep checking the topbar information.
I have already created many questions with different typs of content to check the styling and all Q2A Core elements. However I also need help from the community to test the theme and add required conent to the development project.
Few things I need at the startup:
At least 50-100 users in the list so if you can register with it, that would be great help to provide the list.
If you think that I left any type of question which is important, Please post it so during the styling I consider it as well.
Need some more tags, Most of the tags I have created for testing but to check the tags list page need some additional volume of tags.
If you are creating any question for the theme style testing than please add to the Theme Design category, else you can use any random category.
Once theme is ready, I will publish the databse to the community which will helps to the theme developers for testing according to the Q2A Standards. However I will remove all email address from the database before publish it.
Thanks for your help and support
Go to the site
Update 140312
Here is the very first update for Topbar and Main Nav. I am combining both to keep new design trend and make more space available to the view area.
Login form will be moved same as MaxControl Theme login section. I am thinking to add JoyRide as well same as MaxControl theme.
Heading and title fonts changed from Arial to Ubuntu in Snow 1.4.
I wil deploy on development site on this Saturday so you can test overthere.
I have just started and still long way to go, however feel free to provide your feedback by the time and if possible and fitting with my design concept I would try to consider it for this version.

Update 140515
First of all sorry for being delay due to some other priority works.
You can see some more update on demo site. I have added sidebar for moble and changed main navigation menu for mobile.
Please let me know how it looks with Mobile?
Update 140529
Folks just updated the dev version, please check and provide some feedback