Welcome to the Question2Answer Q&A. There's also a demo if you just want to try it out.
+6 votes
in Plugins by
edited by

So we can discuss, learn, chat (in real time), get notified about Developing Plugins and Themes for Question2Answer together.

Here's the Group's Link:


If you are a programmer who knows PHP but don't know how to develop a simple plugin for Question2Answer, I'll teach you.

Excuse me but isn't that the purpose of this forum?
Yes, but there is still a small difference:
- Many people are always using Facebook, so they can get notified about others' learning actions and they are engaged to learn
- We can chat, in real time, by using Facebook. So Facebook brings you a new media to learn.

So, my conclusion is my Facebook group has the same purpose with this forum but bring more medias, more ways, to learn, to interact.

2 Answers

+3 votes
this is great :)
thank you, welcome to OUR group :D
+2 votes
I don't use Facebook much but this is a pretty good idea! Of course this site is for asking questions about Q2A but live chatting would be good.

I would like to also see Q2A on Twitter.
Thank you so much for your appreciation of my ideas.