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see http://bad-behavior.ioerror.us/ and http://www.projecthoneypot.org/

I have tried to integrate both via the generic Bad Behavior script per require_once in the qa-config.php file, but don't know if this is the right place to include it and if it works at all.

Edit: Just adding two more services that offer an API: http://botscout.com/ and http://stopforumspam.com/

I'd also like to see something like that!

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Time to answer to my own question:

There's a plugin that checks users, see Q2A-Spammer-Checker.

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HI Chris, I tried spammer checker on two of my q2a http://net-on.org and http://odlg.org , but how do you know if it's going to work, because it it say to automatically delete spammers users but how can we test it? There is no way we can know if Spammer checker is going to delete "good users"?!!!
You could probably modify the plugin so that it sends a notification for each deleted spammer. In the file spammer-check-event.php starting from line 91 seems to be some code that sends a message to the spammer. (https://github.com/sawtoothsoftware/Q2A-Spammer-Checker/blob/master/spammer-check-event.php#L91). So you could just run qa_send_email again, this time with the admin email address as 'toemail'. Just an idea.
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ok thanks but it didn't change anything, some bot are still creating fake accounts... I tried differents spams methods the past few days, and I still got spammers coming, but they can't create any post (??) so my problem is a lots of fakes accounts I need to delete.