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How to make Login and Register buttons straight on mobile and tablet phones?

Q2A version: Newest
What browser is this? And what language? Just checking if this is not a word length issue.
Browser is samsung internet: on your demo page works well.
Yes it was word length, but now search icon not straight.
Login word lenght : 11
Register word lenght : 12
Image : https://ibb.co/M2Nnb6v

1 Answer

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Given that your Logo width isn't that wide, you can fix this by forcing the [login/register/search] buttons to be displayed inline with the following code:

.userLoggedOut .topBar .logged-in-info {
    white-space: nowrap;

The code above should be added to the custom-styles.css file located at:
 Aven folder > css > custom-styles.css

If your logo was wider, then I'd recommend deleting the Register button (line 376 on qa-theme.php). Which is probably a thing I might do in the future to keep things less crowded. Considering this is a public theme, we have to predict and consider all hypothesis, which is a constant process of thought. But this is one escaped me while developing the theme.

User interaction should be intuitive, as if a user visits a website and don't see the Register link, intuitively they'll press Login, where a register link is placed right below the Login form.

Or create a single pop up button with both links. Ideas keep coming as I'm writing this xD

It was problem by logo.
Have to be 487x157.
Sory for stupid question.
Thanks for help :)