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Here I want to Add Linkedin so I can add my linkedin profile/company link. How to do that?

Q2A version: 1.8.6
I don't use that theme, but aren't those just extra fields for user pages? (Administration center > users, bottom of the page)
@Ansgar Wiechers, No. This is (Administration center > Donut theme settings)
It is not used in user profile. It is used for social links of website
Hmm... I just took a quick glance at the theme code, and to me it looks like those "social" URLs are hard-coded options (in Donut-admin/admin/admin-panel.php). If the admin settings don't provide you with a way of adding your own you'll probably have to patch the theme. But as I said before, I don't use Donut, so take that with a grain of salt.

1 Answer

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Visit this page:

If you don't need google plus:

'google-plus' => array(
    'icon' => 'google-plus',
    'text' => donut_lang( 'google-plus' ),
    'hover-text' => donut_lang( 'follow_us_on_x', donut_lang( 'google-plus' ) ),

replace the code above by:

'google-plus' => array(
    'icon' => 'linkedin',
    'text' => donut_lang( 'Linkedin' ),
    'hover-text' => donut_lang( 'follow_us_on_x', donut_lang( 'Linkedin' ) ),

This will work. I am not changing any array, hence when you add gplus url, this will work.

see image below

Thank you..!
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