You have to redesign the function q_list($q_list).
It's easier said than done because q_list function links to q_list_items function, which links to q_list_item function, which links to q_item_stats, q_item_main and q_item_clear functions. q_item_main function links view_count, q_item_title, q_item_content, post_avatar_meta, post_tags, q_item_buttons functions. And so on so forth because it doesn't stop there.
But you can edit any of those functions and insert your comment/answer links, especially when you use basic theme which display only question title on the question lists.
To show the answer and comment buttons, you can try adding this function
to one of those functions. I suggest you can try modifying like this:
public function q_list_item($q_item)
$this->output('<div class="qa-q-list-item' . rtrim(' ' . @$q_item['classes']) . '" ' . @$q_item['tags'] . '>');
$this->output('</div> <!-- END qa-q-list-item -->', '');
If it doesn't work, you need to manually create such buttons that may function as if they are real ones.