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in Q2A Core by

Hi everyone, I've released a new patch version for 1.8. This release fixes some Notices on PHP 7.4 and some other minor bug fixes.

Full changelog here

Q2A version: 1.8.5
teddydoors already answered your question about this. https://www.question2answer.org/qa/86011#a86013
@Zeeshan @Bhavik What kind of things have you changed in the core files?
@Scott I am showing only used css on different pages I have also optimize css . Removed most of the  classes which I am not using. Not loading js files for logged out users etc. Most of them are about Optimizations.
I have not made any deep changes in core files, i have just removed footer attribution and some predefined  word changed in language file. i changed lots of things in snowflat theme's css file.
and what about plugins i installed? how to keep changes of them?

4 Answers

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Thank you Scott, and thanks all the developers.

one question: Are you going to implement a notification system(as it's on the roadmap provided by you) any time soon?
Yes that is intended for v1.9.
@scott, Great to hear that, thanks.
Please make it not core but as a plugin. Reason: Many websites are using the already existing on-site-notifications plugin and might want to stick to this. Having a new plugin for this would enable them to choose which one to use. Thanks!
It will be very important for the users using your plugin that you provide a way to migrate to the new native feature, to remove the DB changes, etc. Or maybe the native system should provide native compatibility with your plugin. Both are good options!
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Many thanks to the admins and the developers for updating and fixing various issues regularly.
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I upgraded, everything is fine for now. Thank you