Welcome to the Question2Answer Q&A. There's also a demo if you just want to try it out.
+12 votes
in Q2A Core by
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This theme has been discontinued! 
Check out these other themes: POLARIS / Aven / Frapuchino / Legacy.

Muffin 2.2 (Moonlight) is here!

If you're the kind of person who likes to have total control of your life, boy do we have a theme for you.

Muffin is a constant process of perfection on building, shaping and reshaping things, with the objective of reaching the best user experience with the best looks. 

On this version update a whole new Dark Theme is implemented in which users, have total control to decide whether or not they want to use a light scheme theme, or a dark scheme. YouTube Video 

No more hurting your eyes, when the screen is too bright at night. # 

See live: Live Demo
Get muffin: Muffin Theme

Here's some screenshots:

See live: Live Demo
Get muffin: Muffin Theme

closed with the note: This theme has been discontinued!
Thank you :) is there any update over previous version other than the skin change?
Hey @arjunsuresh :)

Slightly changes were made, like the vote buttons were kindly arranged and moved closer to the counter, the correct answer icon was also modified along with other small things like that, that we might not notice at first, but will notice as a final result as a whole.
Little by little creates an impact.

Other than the skin change, there wasn't any major theme updates.
is this Theme support RTL langs ? like Arabic ?
Yes it does @mohamad007 , since version 1.2

5 Answers

+1 vote
I was thinking about editing the theme for a dark version. This is good timing.

The e-mail you sent me with the update was sent straight to my spam box. =(
I was just writing a comment on that hehehe. Matrix glitches xD perfect timing then :D
+2 votes
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For those who acquired Muffin theme before today (15/07/2019), check your inboxes, and spam boxes, a copy of this new version has been sent to you.

For those that acquired the theme on the last few days... Well Played xD i saw you rushing on that last minute when the dark theme was still in testing phase. Smart move! xD
The price just got fixed as expected and also mentioned, on the theme's landing page that this would eventually happen.

Stay awesome!

thanks a lot for the notify
0 votes
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Why use a dark theme when there is already a free plugin that allows you to put the dark mode? I do not seek to demotivate. q2a needs development
Yeah, I guess it just comes to a matter of preferences then I guess.
Like why buy an iphone when I can have any other phone that does exactly the same :)
what plugin you meain do you have a name or a URL for this plugin ?
0 votes

this theme is very good 1 but there's some things missing in the code

it needs to support 

  • bold font format
  • formatted code

i tried to edit the styles.css but it doesn't work

for bold font format

b, strong {
	font-weight: bold;

small {
	font-size: 0.75em;

for formatted code

pre {
	border-left: 0;
	border-right: 11px solid #3498db;
    padding: 15px 20px 15px 80px;
    margin: 15px auto;
    position: relative;

pre code {
	background-color: #d6dadb;

can you help me to get that work

Delete the current compressed file for styles.css , replace it with the non minified version of it and make the following change.
On line 2972, remove the "!important" property from the class ".qa-q-view-content" :

/* Line - 2972 */
.qa-q-view-content {
    font: 400 16px/1.7 Roboto,sans-serif !important;

it should look like this after:

.qa-q-view-content {
    font: 400 16px/1.7 Roboto,sans-serif;

I was actually thinking about removing these reinforcements of default Material Design standards on this version update, so people have more control over the text and fonts they want to use on text areas.

This was applied i think in version 1.2 because people were just abusing the questions/answers text manipulation when using Wysiwyg editor.
But I think that should be up to the community's manager, to decide whether or not their community should have that type of ability.
I also believe fewer and fewer people are using that editor nowadays, so I think I'll make that adjustment on the next theme update, and possibly remove some features attached to it.

In regards to the "pre" styles, you can just add them on your [ css > custom-styles.css ] , there's no styles applied for that tag, so any styles added should work with no problem.
didn't work
is there anything else?
After doing that, press (Ctrl + F5) to force clear browser cache and see this changes.
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i got the problem

/* Line - 2972 */
.qa-q-view-content {
    font: 400 16px/1.7 Roboto,sans-serif !important;
 was for the question section and i had to remove "important" word so it should look like this after:

.qa-q-view-content {
    font: 400 16px/1.7 Roboto,sans-serif !;

and for the answer section  it was
/* Line - 31 */
.entry-content *, .qa-a-item-content * {
    font: 400 16px/1.8em Roboto,sans-serif !important;

 it should look like this after:

.entry-content *, .qa-a-item-content * {
    font: 400 16px/1.8em Roboto,sans-serif !;

thanks a lot
0 votes
Is there a purchase method other than PAYPAL? PayPal can not be used in Turkey.
Unfortunately no. PayPal is the only payment method at the moment. But there's a Visa/Mastercard option on PayPal, wouldn't that work?
Will not allow me to pay with Paypal

Do you use codecanyon.net?
Nah, not CodeCanyon. I already learned my lesson partnering with them in the past. lol