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+2 votes
in Q2A Core by

Q2A version: 1.8.3
What is following setting of your site?
Admin>Posting>Close questions with a selected answer
yes it is checked, but i don't want closed message as "closed" rather want to remove closed icon and message from question body.
This option is off by default. If you turn this option on, questions should only be closed when answer is selected. Therefore, if questions containing selected answer (Not yet closed) are closed by update, I think that it is a bug.

1 Answer

+3 votes

Yes, that is correct, actually. Not showing them as closed was actually a bug.

Just navigate to admin/posting and uncheck the setting Close questions with a selected answer.

yes it is checked, but i don't want closed message as "closed" rather want to remove closed icon and message from question body.
I want only if question is closed by user with some closed message show there not  through backend.
Please help me how can i achieve this
But that's not how a closed question works. You want some very custom behaviour that is unrelated to "closing" a question. You can modify the a theme or create a plugin to achieve that result