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User sama55

Member for: 14 years (since May 21, 2010)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting posts down
Posting on user walls
Q2A site: http://www.powerqa.org
Full name:
Location: Saitama, Japan
Personal site: http://www.powerqa.org
About: ****************************************
My product (2015/08 -)

Activity by sama55

Score: 76,750 points (ranked #5)
Questions: 203 (20 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 578 (119 chosen as best)
Comments: 958
Voted on: 585 questions, 538 answers
Gave out: 1,073 up votes, 50 down votes
Received: 1,455 up votes, 104 down votes

Wall for sama55

This user has disallowed new posts on their wall
haii sama.. i want buy your flexarmor theme,, but all my money in themeforest account.. can you sell your flexarmor on themeforest? thanks
May 27, 2014 by Vhajar Emortal
Hi sama ,need your urgent help.....please suggest good solution to this problem.

May 16, 2014 by Nysa
Hello Sama,
In order to develop your layout FlexAmor, did you make considerable changes in the main source code and files of the Q2A code?
What I mean is that I am begginer and I think that the source code of Q2A is a lot confusing (too many functions, constants, variables,etc) to understand and if you changed the source code in an easy way to understand, it would be interesting for me...
May 6, 2014 by MM
hi sama can you please guide for using Infinite ajax scroll plugin.
Thanks in advance
Apr 30, 2014 by Nysa
hi have $20 in envanto account.. can i buy your flexarmor with $20?
Apr 22, 2014 by Vhajar Emortal
hai sama, why your Advanced Classic theme not support noahy history notifications bubble? the notifiactions bubble not appear/show when incoming event..
can you solve this error? thanks for help
Apr 21, 2014 by Vhajar Emortal
hi sama ,thanks for your rply.....please give some solution to dis problem
Mar 24, 2014 by Nysa
Mar 18, 2014 by Nysa
I do not make plugin for Wall.
Feb 17, 2014 by sama55
Hi sama, is there a way to search for keywords in wall posts? Thanks !!!
Feb 17, 2014 by lyxhaven