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+13 votes
in Themes by
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SnowFlat is a great theme but it contains a lot of colour which at some point kind of seems like childish. Although I was also the one who agreed to all those colors while the theme was in development but, after using it for such long I feel it's time to change.

SnowLight is basically minimalist version of SnowFlat only but, also with some distinct styling. The theme use less colour, less margin separators, circled user avatar, buttons with rounded corners, reduced top bar height and some more changes are also there.

If you like the theme then do leave your word for it (it helps me keep motivated). I also intend to keep modifying this theme in future so if anyone would like to join along, I would be glad.



Question Page

You can get the plugin here. Download

I haven't changed much of coding so it should work perfectly but, in case of any damage I won't be liable for any kind of compensation. You'll have to use this theme at your own risk, so try it out at your localhost first.

I like the bluish style. In your screenshot there is a small issue, though. The search box is slightly bigger in the bottom. That could be related to some unexpected whitespace character
That issue is not in theme generally. I tried this theme on different test websites and the search bar looked perfect there. It's showing this behaviour in just this one setup. But, I'll still look what the issue is in this setup as well.
And I am glad that you liked the color theme :)

And if you could, then please give some suggestions :)
Awesome. Do you have Scss format yet?
I tried to install the theme on a new website but it made all of my website pages blank.
yes it was the same in me

8 Answers

+2 votes
It's nice
Is it free or paid?
It's free to download on GitHub.
oh thanks it's very nice i have applied to my website
can you also make Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) theme ? AMP pages have more traffic.
Sorry but, I don't know who to make AMP theme just yet.
+2 votes
Good job @GurjyotSingh . Keep up with the great work :)
Thanks a lot @gold.developer , it feels so good to get such words from a developer :)
+2 votes
Gurjyot Singh,

Nice update to theme. Good work! Please continue contributing to Q2A.

Here is one site which uses SnowFlat theme with light colors, you can get some ideas from them.


Also I added your theme in Q2A v1.8 demo site so people can try before using.

thanks a lot @ProThoughts :)
I'll certainly keep working on more on Q2A. :)
+1 vote

I found a big issue:

That it doesn't show anything after login!!!! Only the header. Might it have to do with the notification plugin? Because that's the only thing showing up!

I checked the folder permission and it's all good. And apache error log doesn't show any errors. And chrome debugger also doesn't show any errors...

What's your website URL. Let me see what the issue is.
Unfortunately, it's behind a firewall and is not accessible to the outside network. But I can provide you with more information if you tell me what you're looking for :D
Hello brother, there should be any issue of this sort. I have mostly changed the CSS and nothing more. If SnowFlat (stock theme) works fine on your website then SnowLight should also work just fine. So if something else is causing this issue then you have to see it by removing all the third party plugins one by one.
+1 vote

It's really great, thanks a lot, Gurjyot I tried to use it for my website but unfortunately, it shows a white page without any elements, so I have to delete it to open my website
What's wrong with the theme? may it be just loading time, or something wrong with the RTL because my site is RTL but I also tried the LTR and still the same

Thanks again for your great work, I saw the demo website yes

Hello brother, there should be any issue of this sort. I have mostly changed the CSS and nothing more. If SnowFlat (stock theme) works fine on your website then SnowLight should also work just fine. So if something else is causing this issue then you have to see it by removing all the third party plugins one by one.
Ok, I'll try to do that. Thanks :)
+1 vote
Amazing is like my site but i change others things


Do hoy have a Ajax plugin that you can give me?
It's great that you liked the theme... :)

And I do not have Ajax plugin, that plugin's original developer is no more on Q2A and he took the plugin with him.
0 votes
I have installed the theme, but its hiding my website, as my website was not showing again after installation.....
Can you tell me the list of all plugins which you are using on your website? That might help me solve this issue.
+1 vote
I tried to install the theme on a new website but it made all of my website pages blank.
Can you tell list of all the plugins you are using so that I can figure out what the issue is? And what's your Q2A version?
I was not using any plugins when first installed.  It was a new website I was setting up.  Im using version 1.7.5
Ah, I am just guessing this but, I think that the theme is only compatible to Q2A 1.8. Since I made changes to SnowFlat theme from Q2A 1.8, so it makes sense to assume that it's the reason, that it's not working in Q2A 1.7.5