In db/hotness.php there is a following code:
$query= "UPDATE ^posts AS x, (SELECT parents.postid, parents.created AS qcreated, COALESCE(MAX(children.created), parents.created) as acreated, COUNT(children.postid) AS acount, parents.netvotes, parents.views FROM ^posts AS parents LEFT JOIN ^posts AS children ON parents.postid=children.parentid AND children.type='A' WHERE parents.postid>=# AND parents.postid<=# AND LEFT(parents.type, 1)='Q' GROUP BY postid) AS a SET x.hotness=(".
'((TO_DAYS(a.qcreated)-734138)*86400.0+TIME_TO_SEC(a.qcreated))*# + '. // zero-point is Jan 1, 2010
'((TO_DAYS(a.acreated)-734138)*86400.0+TIME_TO_SEC(a.acreated))*# + '.
'(a.acount+0.0)*# + '.
'(a.netvotes+0.0)*# + '.
')'.($viewincrement ? ', x.views=x.views+1, x.lastviewip=INET_ATON($)' : '').' WHERE x.postid=a.postid';
// Additional multiples based on empirical analysis of activity on Q2A meta site to give approx equal influence for all factors
$viewincrement ? 1 : 0,
The zero point date is set as Jan 1, 2010. I created my website on august 2017, so it would be better for me to set the zero-point at 01.08.2017. For that I will change 734138 into 736205. Is it true?
And suppose that I change the zero-point then, how should I set "qa_opt('hot_weight_answers')*160000", "qa_opt('hot_weight_votes')*160000", and "qa_opt('hot_weight_views')*4000" ?
What are these values 160000 and 4000? I guess they are set in order to make all factors influence equal. If so, and if I change my zero-point how I should set these values for maintain equal influence?
Please make me clear if you have better understanding on this topic?
NOT: I want to change my zero-point in order to get rid of long hotness numbers in db. Currently, my hotness number is formed of 11 digits. For example, it is my one of posts hotness number: 42362600000
It shows that I can get rid of five zeros at the end.