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+5 votes
in Q2A Core by
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Does anyone know how to do that?

I already have most popular users in sidebar, but I also want the top 3 of hot questions in the sidebar... but I dont know how... maybe someone has already done it?

I will  be really grateful!!

5 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer


It's a pretty simple widget. We have something similar for our home page. I've adapted it here to work in the sidebar (I think):
class featured_questions {
function allow_template($template)
return true;
function allow_region($region)
return ($region=='side');
function output_widget($region, $place, $themeobject, $template, $request, $qa_content)
global $qa_db;
$query = "select p.postid, p.title, p.userid, p.acount, u.points from qa_posts as p, qa_userpoints as u where p.type = 'Q' and p.userid = u.userid order by p.hotness desc limit 3";
$result = mysql_query($query,$qa_db);
echo '<div class="featured">';
echo '<h2>Featured Questions</h2>';
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
$url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($row['postid'], $row['title']));
echo '<h4><a href="' . $url . '">' . $row['title'] . '</a></h4>';
echo '<p>Question posted by ' . $row['userid'] . ' <span class="points">(' . $row['points'] . ' points)</span> Answers: ' . $row['acount'] . '</p>';
echo '</div>';
Hello could you explain where to put this code to make this work? Does it go into the index.php page?  Thanks
Thanks You. This is the answer I need
–3 votes
Stil no one who can help me out with this?

I want to list the top 3 hot questions in the sidebar...

I really will be grateful if someone can figure this out.

It's the final thing I want to have on my website. After this I can launch it.
good idea mate
I know! :-P But I don't know how to do that.
–3 votes
Up! There has to be someone who has done this before, right?! :-)
Dude, stop bumping and answering your own question! You're more likely to get answers if you left it unanswered.
More likely to get answers if I leave it unanswered? Where do you base that on? Don't you reckon with: bumping  = getting attention to the question = more likelihood of getting an answer.
Well my logic was that the question would show up in the Unanswered section. As it is you are adding useless posts, but whatever.
0 votes
Theres a feed widget. Use it to show hot questions feed.
0 votes

A bit old question but there's still some people asking how to display popular questions in sidebar.

There's a Q2A plugin for that developed by q2apro. Try it out: q2apro-popular-questions-widget
