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When I try to answer a question, sometimes, the answer is pretty long, it may needs 50 lines, but the answer form is only 12 lines, I wish it can be enlarged. How do I do? in a .css file?

2 Answers

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There is an arrow on the bottom right of the CKEditor that allows you to resize the answer form while writing an answer:

If you want to set a different default initial size then you should edit the file qa-plugin/wysiwyg-editor/qa-sysiwyg-editor.php and add this line (with the number you want):

"    height: 1000,",

immediately after this line:

"    defaultLanguage: 'en',",

pupi1985, thanks

however, how do I do if I use basic editor?
Locate the calls to function qa_editor_load_field in files question-post.php, question-view.php and ask.php. The 6th parameter is the amount of rows. Answers/Questions have a value of 12 while comments a value of 4.
+1 vote

Autoglow may be useful for you. However, it has some side effects. I recommend to test and tune it on local environment. 
