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in Plugins by

Wordpress has a plugin that allows to post via email. Why can't we have a similar plugin as it makes more sense to a Q2A system. I'm thinking of making one - will be free. Anyone interested or wants to have some features here? Or does anyone know a problem for this feature?
Q2A version: 1.7.0
@Scott Do you mean accessing via IMAP/POP3? I meant if we have direct access to mail server this could be done easily - but can't be a plugin then.
Yes I meant access via imap. (Also I forgot to add another issue - you need to install the PHP imap extension to use imap.)

What do you mean by "direct access"?
Thanks :) That would be the proper way. I was just thinking to call a script on a mail arrival which can be done by using a .forward file I guess. Then the script doing the post insertion.
This would be sweet.  One thing I would want to see is that the post should show that it was posted via email.  Id want to know my users are using this (free! - sweet) feature.  

A separate point mechanism would need to be added (probably more points for an email answer) vs browser answer, for example.  One for posting/asking a question and one for answering, if this is the intended functionality.

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