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+5 votes
in Plugins by
Hi. I was wondering if someone can build a plugin for user profile competion. The plugin will be dispayed at the right sidebar or at the top of the page to users that doesnt have upload an avatar or/and have empty profile fields. For example: "Hey! Username,  your profile is completed only 45%. You can fill your profile at your account page"

What do you think ? Is anyone interesting to build a plugin/widget like that? I am willing to donate on this.


Best regards
Q2A version: 1.6.3
For now it notifies you the first x hours after registration to upload an *avatar*. Should it check something else too? Usermeta fields?
It'll be good to show profile completion percentage showing. The percentage can show according to the number of fields admin has shown in a users profile. And it'll be even better if you made it ajax based.
I totally agree with Gurjyot. If it is possible it would be perfect to display the percentage completion based on the fields at the registration form and the avatar. For example if i have 4 fields + avatar then it would be great if i can give 20% (standard) completion for the avatar and the rest percentage will be devided by 4. And for each one of the other fields 15%. Ajax is also welcome. I think that i am not the only one that will donate on this useful plugin. Best regards
Plugin in v0.1 released, see answer below.

1 Answer

+3 votes
edited by

Okay, I have implemented the percentage for each userfield. The avatar is treated separately and thus gets 'requested' separately.

Try it out: https://github.com/q2apro/q2apro-remind-users

And feel free to donate

remind users profile completion



Remind users to complete their profile and upload an avatar within x hours after registration


  • triggers default q2a notification bar on top
  • if user has not completed their profile (shows x % completed)
  • if user has not uploaded an avatar
  • additional custom text for the notification can be specified
  • admin can define the time to display the notification after registration
  • admin can specify the pages where the notification should be displayed
  • available languages: en


Its good to that you release this plugin so early... but where exactly the percentage will show??

Will it show only in notification or it'll constantly show in user's profile till the profile is completely filled??
I have downloaded the plugin but I am unable to see the percentage that's why I am asking this.
Secondly can you mention all the pages where we can add this notification because I am even confused that what do we call homepage on q2a.
As you can see in the image above, the percentage is within the notification. Just try out the plugin in your forum or at http://www.q2apro.com/forum/

It will show as default notification in the top bar.

The "pages" are actually the "templates" of q2a (I should rename this). The homepage is set as default with "qa", if you want e.g. show the notification also on the userprofile, you add "user" to the list. The template names are mostly identical to the URL (slug).
Very nice plugin indeed. Just only notice by my side. It would be more usefull if we can only display the profile completion notification for one time and not display it every time the user visit the site. Just think how incovenience is if i as user dont want to complete some profile fields. Am i right ? Maybe there is some way using cookies to dipslay the notification only once? Any suggestion would be welcome.