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+7 votes
in Plugins by
Many time it happens that some good users start to spam our sites and there is no way to stop them other then to permanently block them or delete them.
It would be nice to have a system in which we block a user for a day, in which if he tries to access his account then a notice will be shown that he/she cannot access the account for a day due to some of their unhealthy task for site. And then after a day that block automatically get removed.
If the same user does it twice the he can be blocked for a week after that blocking for two weeks and finally permanent block.

With this an administrator request area can also be there where the user can talk to admin and if he promises that he won't do it again the his block can be revoked. (I do not want to use feedback from for admin request, feedback is totally for another scenario).

This kind of a system is there in vbulletin and it attracted me so I am sharing and requesting for such a feature in q2a.
Nice suggestion... +++++
Thnx for your support @truthonlytruth...:-)
First, I just got recovered from my long health issue. It was minor but with busy schedule it was hard form me to keep in touch with Q2A folks.

You come up with nice idea Guryot, I would like to make a plugin for it. Could you please share more detail on your thoughts? e.g...When user will get blocked? Will that be automated or manual by moderator/admin
I would love to share on this idea... Just tell me where to msg you. I have been trying to contact you on skype but no luck there.
Great..! Yeah, sorry about that, I was going through some health issue and my skype was always on but not me :(

Now from tomorrow I will be available on skype, github, here etc...So just ping me there.
Its good to hear that your health is good and you are back in q2a. I will surely message you on skype with complete details on this idea.
Thanks Gurjyot

1 Answer

+1 vote
This is really required to prevent spamming. I am facing spamming by few who are posting link to QA site.
I am happy that you liked my idea... let's hope that someone would bring this kind of feature soon.