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in Plugins by
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Could be handy for some, since there is no core feature: 

1. Open phpmyadmin, go to your qa table, qa_users, click on "SQL"

2. Insert: 

SELECT userid,handle,flags FROM `qa_users` WHERE (flags & 2) = 2

A list of all block users shows up.

I just used a little script to remove all block flags from my users. Code is like this: 

$blockedusers =



SELECT userid, handle, flags

FROM `qa_users` 



foreach($customers as $user)


// remove flag by passing false 

qa_db_user_set_flag($user['userid'], QA_USER_FLAGS_USER_BLOCKED, false);

echo '


Removed block flag from userid: '.$user['userid'].' | handle: '.$user['handle'].'





Sorry for the ugly formatting but the q2a forum still does not offer syntax embedding or alike :/ 

Probably this is easier to read: https://codepaste.net/ooc1jw 

Q2A version: 1.7.4

1 Answer

0 votes
Why don't you simply make it with a sql?

UPDATE qa_users SET flags=flags & 0xFFFD

Or do I miss s.th.?