I made the upgrade and now I get this error instead of the content of the question:
Warning: Missing argument 1 for qa_html_theme_base::q_view(), called in /home5/mediapre/public_html/only2press/qa-theme/Q2AStack/qa-theme.php on line 34 and defined in /home5/mediapre/public_html/only2press/qa-include/qa-theme-base.php on line 1285
Warning: Missing argument 1 for qa_html_theme_base::a_list(), called in /home5/mediapre/public_html/only2press/qa-theme/Q2AStack/qa-theme.php on line 46 and defined in /home5/mediapre/public_html/only2press/qa-include/qa-theme-base.php on line 1355
How to fix it?