I feel very lucky with the q2a provided actually, but new options are welcome.
Its very spontaneous, may be I add some more later, but the following 5 are important to be at same level as several competitors or competing sites. I grouped them a little bit. Most are named by other members already..
a) Facebook Login (twitter, open id)
with highest possible level of data exchange between platforms.
b) Advanced User options
including in first place avatars, usertitles/userrank and a simple private message or private question which only shows up of a special users profile (just to contact a member privately). Badges as well would be fine.
Later groups could be helpful, assigned experts, and a automatic email system related to all news of a category, tag or group, where one can subscribe to.
c) Extended categories
Categories are very well accepted by the people, I asked.
But we would need at least two levels (better 3 or 4), to handle a minimum of 200 or 300 categories..as it is now, it is not sufficient for larger communities.
I saw a q2a site from germany with about 100.000 questions. Check: www.frageee.de
d) Topusers / providers
on daily, weekly, monthly, alltime base with tabs
I imagine a sidebar box, showing the 5 category related top users, the first with big avatar. And tabs at this box with today - this week - this month alltime.
e) There is one thing what I would like personally very much, the possibility to have related tags (i asked about before). With this I mean to get the weighted tags / topics of all related questions to a given question or tag and showing the top 20 of them.
and older feature suggestion;
f ;) Points for question tagging
Everybody can tag questions up to the tags limit lets say 5, admin and questionowner can rechange the tags.
( old d)
Media upload, Pictures at least
The option to include automatically resized pics into question details and answer field. I am not a friend of a full featured editor, I woud prefer a simple field like, ADD A PICTURE TO QUESTION / ANSWER . A full featured editor should please be optional. )
Hope this was not too long
Argghhhh, forgot one very important thing. Getting rid of the backspace F5 warnings, to make it liquid for any user...