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+1 vote
in Q2A Core by

I have checked the previous questions and wasn't been able to find one for this. I am sorry, if this question has been already asked by some one and answered.

1) How to add additional fields in the registration form.

2) The additional fields that I add in the registration form should get displayed in the user profile field.

Example of additional fields: Summary, Number of years of experience, Working with, Current designation, Skills and Expertise, Highest degree/education, Specialization, Year of completion, Honors and awards etc....

3) How to make some of these mandatory during registration.

I am newbie to coding and can do it in HTML. Request you to kindly provide me the exact steps on how to achieve this and also I would request you to kindly suggest me on how to create a job & candidate search board keeping the registration form as the base. Any plugins available for the same...

2 Answers

+1 vote
Go to Admin > Users and the extra fields at the bottom. Click "Add new field" to add one, then tick the box "Show field on user registration form".

I think they are mandatory by default, but I don't think there is a way to set some fields as one or the other.

As for plugins, all the good ones are listed on the Add-ons page of the main Q2A site, so take a look and see if there are any you think are useful for you.
0 votes

Real example of my site. This is realized by my hack (not plugin). It is necessary to add filter plugin ( filter_profile() ) to force the input to the field. In addition, the article below may be helpful for you, too. When you do not understand PHP, these may be difficult...


Hi Sama...I have checked your website....it's really beautiful.

can I know which theme you are using?
Thanks suresh1983.

I am using Snow theme. However, I customized it by certain plugin without changing theme files at all. Therefore my site design is not a theme when I say exactly. The reason why I do it is because standard theme is also often updated with Q2A version up. You should be able to imagine the structure by watching HTML code and CSS of my site.

In addition, I hesitate about releasing this plugin ("Theme Tuner" plugin) for reasons below.

1. Overhead to display page becomes relatively big
2. It is necessary to decide plugin order exactly