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in Themes by
I would like to have just link to Login, Register and have Search similar to Classic theme in Snow theme. Please help me on this.

Q2A version: 1.6.2

1 Answer

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go to Snow Theme folder -> edit qa-theme.php

set comment or delete on function nav_user_search()

Example :

function nav_user_search(){

/* start coomment

if (!qa_is_logged_in()) {



end comment*/



Better to comment than delete. In case anything go wrong.

Thank you, but after commenting above code there is no way to logout. also I do see top bar.
Comment out the code still showing logout button for me. Have you did any change to Snow theme except that? Give link to your website, maybe help to better understanding.
if by top bar you mean line and box in login,register etc. you can adjust css for that. try adjusting css using chrome developer tool or firebug.