I am still having issues with the database size. Having a daily backup running gives me huge files on my server.
1. Running on 1.5.4 mod I have 260 MB for qa_blobs ← this will be reduced to 0 after I upgrade and mirgrate all images from blob to harddrive ✓
2. I still see qa_contentwords getting bigger and bigger. Today I emptied it to save up to 200 MB. As far as my investigation goes this table is only used for the internal search. I changed the search to Google Custom search engine, so I don't need it anymore.
3. Also qa_words is not needed using the other search engine, as far as I know.
Instead of manually emptying both tables, I would like to prevent q2a writing to them.
** Note: I cannot truncate qa_words, instead I get the mysql error message:
#1701 - Cannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint (`db123`.`qa_contentwords`, CONSTRAINT `qa_contentwords_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`wordid`) REFERENCES `db123`.`qa_words` (`wordid`))
Me and others once tried to find out which tables are not needed, but without a clear solution.
@gidgreen: It would be nice if you implement an option that qa_contentwords and qa_words and other tables related to the q2a search can be "switched off".
PS: From q2a security section the tables not need (? really all) seem to be: qa_cache
, qa_contentwords
, qa_iplimits
, qa_posttags
, qa_sharedevents
, qa_tagwords
, qa_titlewords
, qa_userevents
, qa_userlimits
, qa_words