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Tag Search Pro

This is helper plugin of Q2A standard tag list. This plugin is armed by Ajax and Variable QueryAnd, you can add search pattern freely.

Screenshot (Example on FlexArmor1)


Plugin summary



V1.6.x, 1.7 (2014/12/20 Updated)

Update history

  • [V1.3.1] 2015/07/31: Fixed potential issue (include qa-util-string.php at qa-tsp-ajax.php) 
  • [V1.3] 2014/11/04: Change result style of widget. Change initial order (from name to post count) 
  • [V1.2.1] 2014/10/22: Fixed bug (translation logic of select2)
  • [V1.2] 2014/08/26 

Add feature that not link CSS and JS files. This feature is for Minify of FlexArmor2. This change has nothing to do with users who does not use Minify of FlexArmor2.

Related plugins

User Search Pro

Now, stable version is really moving in ASKIVE FlexArmor1 demo. Confirm with your eyes.

Best regards.

Q2A version: 1.6.x, 1.7

1 Answer

+1 vote

Sama55 can you develop something like tag creation / import plugin, for adding tags without creating the question?

Please see: 




What is purpose of feature?
What is the merit of the user who introduced this function?
1. When some professional creates a niche Q2A website, he already knows what tags will be most usefull, he can predict them by his professional expirience.

For example: Psychologist creates psychological help Q2A website, i bet he already knows that most commonly diagnosed is: mood, personality, eating and other mental disorders. So he can create mental disorders TAGS and describe them (with tag description plugin ) in advance. Such tags can serve as vocabluary for users and boost traffic from search engines. In other language you create more related contet and content is a king :)

2. Sorry, but i can't understand your second question.
I understood your needs. However, because candidates are displayed when questioner input title to ask form, another feature to show tags to ask form may be necessary.
So, is it very hard to make such plugin?
Yes. It is so hard. Because tags increase endlessly and cannot handle it like category regularly, it is difficult at all to make User Interface. . .