Welcome to the Question2Answer Q&A. There's also a demo if you just want to try it out.
+11 votes
in Plugins by
edited by


Customized example (wide layout)

Default example (side layout)

Option panel

Use case

  • Announcement of events
  • Announcement of the refresh timing of demo site
  • etc ...

Unique features

  • You can schedule future event.
  • When start time comes, widget will be displayed automatically.
  • When end time comes, widget will be hidden automatically.


Q2A V1.6, V1.7

Update history

  • [2015/03/16] V1.1: Bug fix. Support Japanese language
  • [2015/01/30] V1.0: First release


My addons are here.

Have fun!

Q2A version: 1.7
Great plugin @sama55, never thought of getting this plugin in q2a but now it is released so I have also got some usage of this plugin... :)
Thanks Gurjyot. There is a lot of beautiful design count down script. But, they are too heavy for CPU. Therefore, I adopted very simple script. Please tell us if there is interesting usage and feature.
I cannot tell about all the uses of this but I am going to use it for an event that we were planning on our site and a competition on another site.
The watch will tell the time when the competition will start and end time as well. Lets see how much interaction does it create for my users.
Thanks for all your efforts, sama55.

4 Answers

+2 votes


This site will be restored every hour by Database Manager Pro.

You will soon be able to use all my addons with administrator privilege like Q2A demo.

+2 votes
Thank you very much for this plugin. I do a lot of announcement on my site and the countdown will make is very easy
0 votes

Hello @Sama... Now I am finally having a use for this plugin. But as I was testing this I found some styling issues with this.

The clock is not centred in widget, instead it is shifted towards right.

I re-tested in SnowFlat theme. But, in particular, there was no problem. Did you change sidebar width?

Solution example:
.yycountdown-box .yyc-day,
.yycountdown-box .yyc-hou,
.yycountdown-box .yyc-min,
.yycountdown-box .yyc-sec {
  font-size: 1.5em;
I got it. When the number of characters is large, it will protrude. Please adjust CSS.
Thanks for your suggestion @Sama55. I have made some changes in CSS and reduced the size of Numerics to 1.7 and even made some changes in colour to fit with SnowFlat theme.
0 votes
download don’t work?
Nopes. Sama had left Q2A. I also need this one so let me make this.