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+4 votes
in Q2A Core by

I'd like to known, how I can add external markup editor into Q&A, such as wmd, NicEdit, TinyMCE...
I've tried do it by myself, but Q&A ignoring installed Editors markup.

I've read about "H" value in column "format" in table "_posts", tried it, but nothing happens.

Please, help me integrate external *Editor*...

Sorry for my sometimes-bad-English, thanks.
I want to implement wmd(Light weight mark down editor). I do not understand whether I can do it, but I want to challenge a little too.
Installing external Editor isn't a problem.
But Q&A ignores all HTML markup in posts :(
Mark down language is not HTML..
Have a look: http://www.question2answer.org/qa/1525/any-plan-to-add-markdown-editor-in-future-release

You can try.. Lets us know if it fits fine with Q2A.. :)

3 Answers

0 votes
Yeah, I've already seen that topic.
0 votes
I try WMD. But... The completeness is low.
Perhaps my javascript code is wrong, only FF move definitely.

download package << http://wmd-editor.com/download
"wmd" folder move under qa-content.

Update qa-include/qa-app.format.php

(L258-264: replace to 1-line)
            if (isset($blockwordspreg))
                $post['content']=qa_block_words_replace($post['content'], $blockwordspreg);
            $fields['content']=qa_html($post['content'], true); // also used for rendering content when asking follow-on q
            if ($showurllinks)

(L267: SPAN tag -> DIV tag)
                //$fields['content']='<SPAN CLASS="entry-content">'.$fields['content'].'</SPAN>';
                $fields['content']='<DIV CLASS="entry-content">'.$fields['content'].'</DIV>';

(L269: commnent out)
//            $fields['content']='<A NAME="'.qa_html($postid).'"></A>'.$fields['content'];

Update qa-include/qa-theme-base.php (Please warn the person customizing theme.)

(L167: add line to head_custom())
            switch ($this->template) {
                case 'ask':
                case 'question':
                        <script type="text/javascript" src="qa-content/wmd/showdown.js"></script>
                        <script type="text/javascript">
                        var converter = new Showdown.converter();
                        var tags=document.getElementsByTagName("DIV");
                        var tag;
                        for(var i=0;i<tags.length;i++){
                          tag = tags.item(i);
                          if(tag.className=="entry-content") {
                            tag.innerHTML = converter.makeHtml(tag.innerHTML);

(L778: add line to form_text_multi_row())
            switch ($this->template) {
                case 'ask':
                case 'question':
                    //if (preg_match('/qcontent/', $field['tags'])) $name='qcontent';
                    //if (preg_match('/acontent/', $field['tags'])) $name='acontent';
                    //if (preg_match('/comment/', $field['tags'])) $name='comment';
                    //if ($name!='comment') {
                        $this->output('<div class="wmd-preview"></div>');
                        $this->output('<script type="text/javascript" src="qa-content/wmd/wmd.js"></script>');

My environment test)

FF(V3.6) : move definitely
IE(V8) : CSS of bar is strange?
Opera(10.6) : Don't display bar...
Safari-win(V5) : Don't display bar...

Another problem)
It is sequrity-problem that we can input raw HTML. I seem not to be able to input it at StackOverflow.
i've done one with tiny MCE at http://hoidap.lamtheo.com. Please take a look at there
0 votes
edited by

Finally I've figured it out :) I know, it is a littlebit to late, as in 1.3 there is Wysiwyg Editor implemented, but for those of you, that would like to use for example NicEdit, here's how to do it:

1. Open qa_page.php and change:

    if (!empty($qa_content['keywords']))
        $themeclass->output('<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="'.$qa_content['keywords'].'"/>');
            // as far as I know, META keywords have zero effect on search rankings or listings
    $themeclass->output('<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript"><!--');


    if (!empty($qa_content['keywords']))
        $themeclass->output('<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="'.$qa_content['keywords'].'"/>');
            // as far as I know, META keywords have zero effect on search rankings or listings
    $nicEdithtml = "";
          $nicEdithtml .= ("\n<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"http://js.nicedit.com/nicEdit-latest.js\"></script>\n");
          $nicEdithtml .= ("<script type=\"text/javascript\">");
          $nicEdithtml .= ("/*<![CDATA[*/");
          $nicEdithtml .= ("bkLib.onDomLoaded(function() { ");
          $nicEdithtml .= ("nicEditors.allTextAreas({fullPanel : true});");
          $nicEdithtml .= ("});");
          $nicEdithtml .= ("/*]]>*/");
          $nicEdithtml .= ("</script>");
    $themeclass->output('<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript"><!--');

2. Open qa-app-format.php and change:

    //    Post content
        if (!empty($post['content'])) {
            if (isset($blockwordspreg))
                $post['content']=qa_block_words_replace($post['content'], $blockwordspreg);
$fields['content']=qa_html($post['content'], true); // also used for rendering content when asking follow-on q

if ($showurllinks)
if ($microformats)
$fields['content']='<SPAN CLASS="entry-content">'.$fields['content'].'</SPAN>';
            $fields['content']='<A NAME="'.qa_html($postid).'"></A>'.$fields['content'];
                // this is for backwards compatibility with any existing links using the old style of anchor
                // that contained the post id only (changed to be valid under W3C specifications)


    //    Post content
        if (!empty($post['content'])) {
            if (isset($blockwordspreg))
                $post['content']=qa_block_words_replace($post['content'], $blockwordspreg);
            $fields['content']='<A NAME="'.qa_html($postid).'"></A>'.$fields['content'];
                // this is for backwards compatibility with any existing links using the old style of anchor
                // that contained the post id only (changed to be valid under W3C specifications)

Please let me know if it works in your sites :)

Here's mine: http://quanda.pl


PS. I've just added tables functionality and integrated lightbox script thanks to http://scottjarvis.com as well as SyntaxHighlighting

Finally I decided to change SyntaxHighlighter to Googles prettify, cause it better manage new lines and br tags