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+2 votes
in Q2A Core by

At Q2A V1.5.X/V1.6dev, widgets don't display(can't control) in pages which module(plugin) generated.

[Core hack for displaying]

Comment out qa-include/qa-page-admin-widgets.php (L112) 

//if (!($page['flags']&QA_PAGE_FLAGS_EXTERNAL))

Replace qa-include/qa-page-default.php (L68) 
//if ( isset($custompage) && !($custompage['flags']&QA_PAGE_FLAGS_EXTERNAL) ) {
if ( isset($custompage) ) {
Replace qa-include/qa-page-default.php (L79) 
if ($level>=QA_USER_LEVEL_ADMIN) {
if ( (!$explicitqa) && $countslugs && !isset($categoryid) ) {
  $pagemodules=qa_load_modules_with('page', 'match_request');
  foreach ($pagemodules as $pagemodule)
    if ($pagemodule->match_request($request)) {
      $widgets = $qa_content['widgets'];
      $qa_content = $pagemodule->process_request($request);
      $qa_content['widgets'] = $widgets;
if ($level>=QA_USER_LEVEL_ADMIN) {
related question:

I wish to be improved by V1.6.

Q2A version: V1.5/V1.6dev
good one! thanks for the hack :)
+1 for core (+ option to set)

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