I am interested in this future(No.1), too. And SiteMap.
I seem not to be able to dismantle a pass well.
Below requestString($this->request) is anxious.
1.1 Question
Path of question List: questions, activity, unanswered ...
Path of specific question: 99/q-title
My perplexity: "99" and "q-title" is not the relations of parent and child.
1.2 User(s)
Path of user List: users
Path of specific user(ex:abc): user/abc
My perplexity: Only "user" is "page not found". "users/abc" ?
1.3 Tag(s)
Path of tag list: tags
Path of specific tag(ex:abc): tag/abc
My perplexity: Only "tag" is "page not found". "tags/abc" ?
1.4 Relation of questions/activity/unanswered/.../Admin ... and each question
【Now(Data structure to think about from pass)】
+ users
+ user1
+ user2
+ ・・・
+ userN
+ questions
+ question1
+ question2
+ ・・・
+ questionN
+ tags
+ tag1
+ tag2
+ ・・・
+ tagN
+ activity
+ unanswered
+ search
+ login
+ register
+ account
+ admin
+ option1
+ option2
+ ・・・
+ optionN
+ users
| + user1
| + user2
| + ・・・
| + userN
+ questions
| + question1
| + question2
| + ・・・
| + questionN
+ tags
| + tag1
| + tag2
| + ・・・
| + tagN
+ activity
+ unanswered
+ search
+ login
+ register
+ account
+ admin
+ option1
+ option2
+ ・・・
+ optionN