I have been using the plugins in the Q2A directory as well as creating our own for quite some time. Never had any problems. Recently, whenever we create new plugin, we get a PHP error as follows:
PHP Warning: require_once(/qa-plugin/NAMEOFPLUGIN/NAMEOFPLUGINFILE.php):
failed to open stream: No such file or directory in qa-include/qa-base.php on
line 632, referer: qa/admin/plugins
We have tested this with our plugins, as well as other plugins in the directory and the error is always present, so it's not an issue with code. Our existing plugins work fine, we just can't add any new plugins.
Is there a limit to the number of plugins you can use on a site?
By the way, we also get this error along with the above error:
PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '-',
expecting '{' in qa-plugin...
This again seems like a code error, but it's not. No matter what you do, Q2A will not read a new plugin. Basically, Q2A won't read the Class file that is used in plugin and it throws the above error. We've used proven existing plugins and new plugins, to make sure there is no coding error, and the error is still thrown.