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I am experiencing an issue with emojis in the Q2A platform using the SCEditor plugin and other editors as well. When I add emojis such as ‍♀️to the text field, they disappear upon saving the question. Interestingly, some emojis work fine, while others do not.

I have determined that the problem is not with the database, as emojis saved using HTML entities (e.g., 😑) appear correctly in the database and display as intended. For example, if I switch to the "source" mode in the editor and input 😑, it saves and displays correctly.

However, when I edit the question, the emoji appears as its visual representation instead of the HTML entity. Upon saving the edited question, the emoji gets filtered out again. This issue occurs not only with SCEditor but also with other editors I’ve tried on the platform.

Could anyone provide guidance on how to resolve this issue? Is there a way to configure editors to prevent them from filtering out certain emojis, or to force them to use HTML entities consistently?

I would appreciate any help or suggestions. Thank you!

Q2A version: 1.8.8

1 Answer

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Best answer

Finally figured out a solution. If you’re using the Q2A platform with SCEditor or any other editor, and some emojis disappear after saving, the problem might be related to how the HTML is processed. To fix this, you need to make a small change to the qa_sanitize_html function in Q2A.

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Find the qa_sanitize_html function in your code. This is the function that processes and cleans up HTML.

  2. Add the following snippet to the function:

    $html = preg_replace_callback('/[\x{1F000}-\x{1FFFF}]|[\x{2600}-\x{27FF}]|[\x{2B00}-\x{2BFF}]/u', 
        function($matches) {
            $emoji = $matches[0];
            return '&#x' . strtoupper(dechex(mb_ord($emoji))) . ';';

This code looks for emojis in specific Unicode ranges and converts them into their HTML entity equivalents (like 😊). This ensures that the emojis won’t disappear when saved or edited.

After I added this, the emoji issue was completely resolved. Hopefully, this works for you too!
