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Hello All,

I could use some help. I uploaded the files for q2a and edit the qa-config.php file. Renamed it and the .htaccess. However, I am getting a white screen. I am not getting any errors any where to tell me what is going on. The server requirements meet the requirements for q2a. Maybe I am missing something. Could anyone suggest something that I could look for?
Q2A version: 1.8.8
A white page usually means the code is throwing a fatal error so the PHP interpreter can't render the page. Check your web server error log as well as your PHP error log for errors. Their location depends on what kind of server you have, though. On Linux servers they're usually somewhere in /var/log. For hosted web presences your hosting provider should be able to tell you where you can find them.
So, I uploaded it to another directory and I was able to install it. I find it weird that I had to put into another directory. However, now I have to fix other errors, one being a .htaccess not being installed. It is installed but, I believe I did see another question relating to that issue.

2 Answers

0 votes
I'm gonna hazard a guess that the OP actually meant "no error in the browser" and hasn't checked his error logs yet.
I wasn't getting any errors within the error logs. That was the first thing that I checked for. I think it was where I put the install originally. I changed the directory structure and it installed without errors. I just have to fix the .htaccess file now.
0 votes

Add this code in your qa-config.php  file:

error_reporting(E_ALL); // Report all PHP errors
ini_set('display_errors', 1); // Display errors on the screen
