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my Q2A site is nearly complete, but not sitemap.

My site is AskWeb.ir and my sitemap is sitemap.xml.


it is not created. I tried creating and uploading it manualy. I even sat its CHMOD to 777.

Q2A version: V 1.4.3

2 Answers

+2 votes
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Best answer

I had same problem with faq and sitemap in my site. But i solved it.

just put this  index.php/sitemap.xml  

in the page setting tab of sitemap i.e.

URL of link - absolute or relative to Q2A root :  index.php/sitemap.xml 

ya it helped
+1 vote

I too hold the same issue.. If, as per a1bc we put the sitemap.xml as index.php/sitemap.xml will that be read by crawlers!? On check certain SEO optimizers complain my site is still not having sitemap.xml where I placed it as

