Yeah, as I previously said, That fix is being added to the next theme update.
Instead of pushing a new theme update everytime there's a smallest tweak, I usually wait to gather the most information possible, along with everybody's responses to issues they're having, so I can push a single update to everyone instead.
People have different kinds of Q2A setups for different purposes. So gathering information from different sources plays a big part on updating themes. Although, not everybody replies to emails as fast as issues are reported. Sometimes they don't even reply back at all. So I sit there waiting for a feedback that comes late, or never comes at all. So that can extend update release times.
Quick Fix:
You could add this to your theme.min.css and frontpage.min.css
@media (min-width:1300px) {
.sc-logo-container {
opacity: 0;
visibility: hidden;
And increase the patch number on qa-theme.php file, line 5 . Patch "?v=2170" to patch "?v=2171" .