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+5 votes
in Themes by
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The site (https://gateoverflow.in/)  is using the Polaris theme. So earlier today I was able to share the comments present within a particular post with others, but it seems as of now, after an update, that option got removed. Here is the image depicting the issue -> 

However, we can now see the buttons "reply" and "share" present for comments under both questions and answers, which is a nice thing to have. But please help in resolving this issue for posts. It will be good if we can have "reply" and "share" buttons present for comments within a particular post or have same option back in the three-dot menu back to share comments.


1 Answer

+3 votes
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Ahh, I see what's going on.
The Voting and Reply/Share buttons are grouped together, so when the Voting buttons are not available, the Reply/Share buttons aren't either.

I'll patch that up in a bit.


This has been fixed now.

@gold-developer, thanks for taking the note of this issue but it seems it is not fixed yet, still i am not able to see any buttons present for comments within the posts.
Are you using version 2.45?
Check your email and spam boxes. Ask Arjun to update the theme.
Thank you @Gold-developer. It is fine now.
Thanks a lot @gold-developer, theme updated, can see the changes now.