This is premium paid plugin that structures tags page like stackoverflow. It allows admins add/edit descriptions to each tags, and allows users to follow tags and structure their feeds with followed-tags questions. It is tested on qa 1.8.0. PM me if you interested, for price and payment options.
Plugin name: Tag Extra
Price: 30 USD (PM me to buy)
What Plugin Does:
- It adds a follow button for each tag. So, users can follow/unfollow tags.
- It adds a search filter at tags page where you dynamically search tags.
- It adds a add/edit button for each tag which is visible only for admins. The button adds/edits description for each tag.
- It adds "My Feed" tab onto question list pages. "My Feed" tab shows the list of questions with only tags that the user follows.

What Are Admin Settings:
- Admin can determine which user levels are authorized to see add/edit descriptions for tags.

standard username: deneme_11
pass: test1234
username: demo
pass: demo1234