In qa-theme-base.php page, I changed this line from:
$this->output('<SPAN CLASS="qa-'.$class.'-note">'.$navlink['note'].'</SPAN>');
$this->output('<SPAN CLASS="qa-'.$class.'-note">'.'</SPAN>');
It hide the categories count in the side bar but when I browse the category page. It don't have any links to the categories.
So, on this line I change from:
this->output($navlink['label'].'<SPAN CLASS="qa-'.$class.'-note">'.$navlink['note'].'</SPAN>');
Now, I am getting this error when I am NOT loggin:
Notice: Undefined index: note in /home/clicks/public_html/ on line 441
If a logged in there is NO error message.
Can anyone help me?