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1 Answer

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Hiding the sidebar is simple. You just need to not display the element with the class qa-sidebar:

.qa-sidebar {
  display: none;

However, unless you want the sidebar space to remain empty, you'll also have to adjust the remaining elements, so they can fill the vacated space (e.g. by changing their width to 100%).

Your browser's web developer tools can help you identify the classes of those elements. In Firefox you'd right-click an element in the page and then select "Inspect Element" from the context menu.


In the stylesheet of your theme. Add the property display: none; to class .qa-sidebar.

Sometimes it is necessary to add the condition! Important to give priority...

.qa-sidebar {

  display: none !important;


!important should be avoided if possible. You're right that it's required in some cases, when you need to forcibly override another setting, but I doubt it's the case here. Like I said in my previous comment, the OP's site uses a different theme than he claimed it would, and in the theme's stylesheet the setting for qa-sidebar was not present. I checked.
But now I want to keep sidebar in left page.How to do that???
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