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+8 votes
in Plugins by


I'm the maintainer of some q2a plugins that were either made from scratch or modified from others.

They don't require so much time to maintain but I would like to transfer them to anyone interested.

Here is the list of plugins:
q2a-wysiwyg-matheditor - A CKeditor with math LaTeX capabilities and image upload
q2a-memes - Insert memes images into your posts/comments
q2a-smilies - A modified version of NoahY with fixes (needed for q2a-memes) and much more smilies!
q2a-markdown-editor-latex - Experimental matheditor (has some problems/limitations)

The plugins have various "free" license (GPL, copyleft and CKEditor).

If you interested, just shoot here your github account and I will "transfer" the ownership of the repositories to you. An update will be required then to https://docs.question2answer.org/addons/plugins/ to point toward your repository.

Have fun and long live to Q2A !


i can help with memes and smilies plugin, but other I am not sure about.

1 Answer

0 votes
Is there someone , who maintain this plugin ?