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+1 vote
in Q2A Core by
I want to only send maximum of 4 emails to a user/day.

When a user receiving to many answers and comments and got answer selected every time a email is sent. But if a user doing more than 4 activity than it should be active. So why we send tham to many emails.

I want to set a limit to the email sent to per user per day to 4 and only send more than 4 mails if mail is private message.

Is this possible? Do we store information about mail send to user in database?
As of now email system in Q2A is very naive. Almost no customization is possible. I'll add an answer here for better discussion

1 Answer

+2 votes
Its a long pending requirement to enhance the email capability on Q2A. Some of the requirements I'll add below. Please feel free to add more.

1. HTML email support with HTML email templates for common emails like answer received, new user email etc.

2. Currently Q2A emails are send to all users who commented to a post even when 100s of comments have happened. Probably this should be limited to  last 10 or last X number of unique users.

3. Option to limit number of emails a day per user as told in the question

4. Option to add a summary email per day/per week

5. Option to opt out of different kinds of emails per user.
6. Option to send email to specific type of users when a question is asked in specific category.
This email will be a kind of request email where user asking for help.
Email to Category followers already exists rt?